If you’ve ever had a good massage, you know that it has amazing effects on your body and mind.
Regular massages are a wonderful addition to your self-care routine. Whether it is to relax, energize, rejuvenate, recover or as part of a cleansing process, a good massage can make you feel reborn.
Coconut oil is one of the best natural massage oils and works especially well for relaxing massages.
You can use it either pure or add essential oils to it.
Many spas around the world use coconut oil as massage oil because it’s so good for the skin and very pleasant to use. It absorbs quickly and leaves a nice softening layer.
Lauric acid, vitamin E and other antioxidants in coconut oil have powerful anti-aging properties.
The oil gently moisturizes and revitalizes skin, strengthens skin tissue and improves skin tone. Its antimicrobial properties protect it against bacteria, parasites and fungi.
You can use coconut oil as massage oil for all skin types including sensitive skin.
More about the health benefits of coconut oil for your skin here.
Coconut oil massage oil
You can use coconut oil (buy here) as massage oil in both solid and liquid consistency.
If it is solid, it will quickly melt between your hands.
For a full body massage you need about a tablespoon of coconut oil, depending on your personal preference.
If you’re not sure how much to use, start out with a teaspoon of coconut oil and go adding more.
Some coconut products are made from fractionated coconut oil.
This type of coconut oil has had the Lauric acid removed which is why it always stays liquid.
While this can be practical, especially in cold climates, I personally prefer regular virgin coconut oil.
Lauric acid has so many health benefits that I wouldn’t want to miss out on. It is the essential part of coconut oil.
If you decide to use fractionated coconut oil, make sure you buy a good quality one that is produced in the most natural way.
Essential oil properties
Upgrade your massage by mixing in some essential oils. Here are some of the most used essential oils and their properties:
Bergamot: relaxing, uplifting
Cedarwood: calming
Chamomile: calming, uplifting
Eucalyptus: cooling
Jasmine: relaxing, uplifting
Lavender: relaxing, soothing
Lemon: uplifting
Patchouli: energizing, relaxing
Peppermint: cooling
Rose: relaxing, soothing
Rosemary: stimulating, uplifting
Sandalwood: relaxing, calming
Ylang-Ylang: calming
I only link to products that I love, would use myself and have researched. Thank you for your support!
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