Stretch marks are lines or marks on the skin that appear in areas where the skin has rapidly stretched.
It often happens during pregnancy, with quick weight gain or due to various health conditions.
The marks are red or purple at first and later fade to be white.
Common spots for stretch marks are the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, breasts and upper arms.

Unfortunately there isn’t a bullet-proof way to avoid them or make them fade completely.
However healthy lifestyle including nutrition, exercise and a good skincare routine helps.

This 100% natural DIY stretch marks cream with coconut oil and shea butter is easy to make and contains some of the most beneficial natural ingredients.



The ingredients


→ Shea butter is great for skin elasticity and collagen production. It moisturizes and contains valuable nutrients.

→ Extra virgin olive oil is rich in antioxidants such as vitamins A and E. It softens and protects the skin.

→ Coconut oil contains healthy fatty acids such as Lauric acid, vitamin E and other antioxidants. It moisturizes, repairs skin tissue and has antimicrobial properties.
You can read more about the many other benefits of using coconut oil on your skin here

I use raw unrefined organic shea butter which is the purest, most natural one.
It contains the maximum amount of nutrients and has a characteristic, earthy scent.

The olive oil I use is an organic extra virgin oil.
Unlike with coconut oil where virgin and extra virgin are equally good, the difference between virgin and extra virgin olive oil does matter.

I use organic virgin coconut oil in this DIY recipe. If you want to know more about how to choose the best coconut oil, take a look here.



Homemade stretch marks cream



1 cup / 250 ml virgin coconut oil
1 cup / 250 ml shea butter
10 tbsp extra virgin olive oil


Melt the coconut oil and shea butter au bain marie in a bowl placed in a pan with shimmering water. Keep the pan on the lowest heat, while stirring continuously.

Once they are melted, remove the bowl and add the olive oil.

Put the bowl with the mixture in the fridge to solidify.
Then whip it for a few minutes until you reach a light, airy texture.


Gently massage the DIY stretch marks cream with coconut oil and shea butter into your skin and repeat it regularly.


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DIY coconut oil stretch marks cream with shea butter